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2023 - JOMO group exhibition, MOM art space, Hamburg, GR.
2021 - A Place I Remember But Still Haven't Been To, Schaufenster Gallery, Berlin, GR.
In the past 2 decades the presence of AI surveillance has been exponentially growing and become an integral part of our lives. Many see their loss of privacy as a fair trade off for technology. From location tracking to face recognition, AI is learning the way we sound, move and think at a high pace. This installation shows the banal gesture of taking a photo of the sunset through the lens of AI. An endless stream of images creating patterns through which data can be collected and analysed.
2023 - JOMO group exhibition, MOM art space, Hamburg, GR.
2021 - A Place I Remember But Still Haven't Been To, Schaufenster Gallery, Berlin, GR.
In the past 2 decades the presence of AI surveillance has been exponentially growing and become an integral part of our lives. Many see their loss of privacy as a fair trade off for technology. From location tracking to face recognition, AI is learning the way we sound, move and think at a high pace. This installation shows the banal gesture of taking a photo of the sunset through the lens of AI. An endless stream of images creating patterns through which data can be collected and analysed.
A Place I Remember But Still Haven't Been To, group exhibition, Schaufenster Gallery, Berlin, 2021.
A Place I Remember But Still Haven't Been To, group exhibition, Schaufenster Gallery, Berlin, 2021.
JOMO group exhibition at MOM art space, Hamburg, GR.